(27) Rail. Steel >Ju . I.Standa rd section tee rails. origina l weight 50 pounds per yard or heavier. 10 feet lung and over. Suit.ibk for re-rolling into bars ,mtl shapes. Free rrom bent ,md twisted rails. frog. swi tches. and guard rails. or rai ls with split hi.:ads and broken flange s. Continuous weldi.:d rail may hi.; included provided 1w weld is 11\W 9 inches from the i.:nd,,fthi.: picei.: ol'rail. (28A) Rail. Stcd No. 2 Croppi.:d Rail Ends. Standard si.:etion. original 1v.:igh1 ul" 50 pounds per yard and ovi.:r. I 8 inches lnng and umkr. (28B) RaiL Sted No. 2 Crnpped Rail Ends. Standa rd si.;ctinn. original ll"i.:ight or 50 pounds per y,1 rd and over, 2 frcl long and undi.:r. (28C) R,1i!. Sted No. 2 Cropped Rail Ends. Standard section, original \\"eight 50 pounds per yard ;.m<l owr, 3 fret long ,m<l undi.:r (29) Rail. St..:cl ~o. 3. Standard section tee. girder, and/or guard rails. tu be free from fro